A hoard you say (dual) June 2019
A hoard you say (dual) looks to visualise what we might perceive a hoard to look like; what it should or could contain and where it might be found. All the sets of objects are mixed materials of mixed value but are laid according to their face value i.e. they look gold, therefore, they are gold. The first set of objects represent a higher physical value of objects (mainly gold and silver) the second set is an interchange between materials, an admixture between the first and third set of objects. The third set of objects have a simpler material makeup. They might hold an emotional value or a belief or knowledge value.
Size: approx. 90cm(w) x 50cm (h)
Material: 2 Photographs – 3 sets of small objects
Exhibited: ‘To earmark’ Project Space| School of Fine Art, Art History and Cultural Studies
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